Freedom to move: Movement therapy for spinal pain and injuries

A practical guide for physiotherapists, pilates, yoga and integrated movement therapists to assist in the more appropriate rehabilitation of people with spinal pain disorders. Informed by the evidence, it presents a model of movement dysfunction common to this population – and in response to this offers the fundamental patterns of control which are commonly deficient. The focus is on restoring natural patterns of functional movement and helping the client move out of pain.

BACK PAIN: A Movement Problem

A clinical approach incorporating relevant research and practice.
This book is a practical manual to assist all students and clinicians concerned with the evaluation, diagnosis and management of the movement related problems seen in those with spinal pain disorders. Published by Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, Edinburgh, 2010.

‘The Core’: Understanding it and retraining its dysfunction

Key, J
Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies: Vol 17 No 4 October 2013
“Core stability training” is popular in both the therapeutic and fitness industries but what is actually meant and understood by this concept? This paper examines the landscape of ‘the core’ and its control from both a clinical and research perspective.

Sifting The Evidence And ‘Seeing’ The Patient In Front Of You: Examining The ‘Fundamental Patterns’ Of Spino-Pelvic Control In Health And In Dysfunction

Key, J
Presentation at the 8th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain, 2013
How does the busy clinician both distil and integrate the increasingly robust evidence base into effective clinical practice?

Sub-Group Classification of ‘Core Dysfunction’

Key, J
Poster presented at Fascia Research III Congress Vancouver 2012.
Despite the popularity of rehabilitating ‘the core’ in both the therapeutic and fitness industries, the patterns of functional and structural change have been little described.

The Predictable Effects of Aberrant Sagittal Pelvic Position and Control in the Development and Perpetuation of Low Back and Pelvic Pain

Key, J Poster presented at 6th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain-Barcelona 2007