This series of workshops offer novel insights to help clinicians deal with more complex and challenging cases - a unique, highly practical learning opportunity which integrates research with the insights of extensive clinical practice and enquiry.

The focus is upon healthy and impaired function of the torso – and how this relates to genesis and perpetuation of many pain syndromes – both peripheral and central. You will learn to recognise the common patterns of dysfunction and further develop your assessment and remedial skills with appropriate complementary manual and exercise therapy to better restore the clients function.

These workshops are offered in 3 modules

Module 1: The Lower Quadrant - The foundations of control

2.5 day workshop - $800

This module principally addresses the integrated function between breathing and postural control of the trunk, control of the pelvis and restoring joint and neuro-myo-fascial function in the lumbo-pelvic–hip region and legs

An introductory evening lecture before the workshop commences provides a broad over-view of the approach

Module 2: The Upper quadrant - An integrated model of torso movement

2.5 day workshop - $800

This module explores the relationship between the thorax, proximal limb girdle dysfunction, and the spine & pain syndromes of the upper quadrant. Completion of Module 1 is advised before doing this module

Module 3: Putting it all together

2 day workshop $600

All your queries are answered in an interactive practical workshop format. Completion of Modules 1 & 2 is prerequisite



Upcoming workshops

The Key Approach 4 Spinal Pain® workshop series 2021
$2,000 if enrolling for all 3 modules (save $250)

OR separately:
Module 1 (2.5 days ) $800
Module 2 (2.5 days) $800
Module 3 (2 days) $600

Module 1: The lower quadrant (12 – 14 Mar)
Fri 12 Mar, 3.00pm - 6.30 pm
Sat 13 & Sun 14 Mar, 9.00 - 5.00pm

Module 2: The upper quadrant (7 – 9 May)
Fri 7 May, 3.00pm - 6.30pm
Sat 8 & Sun 9 May, 9.00am - 5.00pm

Module 3: Putting it all together* (5 – 6 June)
Sat 5 - Sun 6 June, 9.00 - 5.00pm
*Completion of modules 1 & 2 are a prerequisite for attending this workshop

Upon a suitable hosting request, I am also amenable to run either M1 or M2 modules (or the complete series)  sometime during the second part of the year.


Venue: Exercise studio Edgecliff Physiotherapy Sports and Spinal Centre – 4/212 New South Head Rd New South Head Rd, Edgecliff NSW 2027


Key Approach Module 1:
The lower quadrant - The foundations of control
Fri 5, Sat 6 & Sun 7 June 2020

Key Approach Module 2:
The Upper quadrant - An integrated model of torso movement
Mon 8 & Tue 9 June 2020

Enquiries: email Ms. Soyoung Kim / call +82 10 3117 4837

Course info


14 - 24 Sept 2020

Stu Vac Seminars: “The spine and mind – with wine”….

“As part of this seminar, Josephine & Paul Hodges will lead a Q&A session titled Joining the dots between research and clinical practice. This session will reflect the importance of collaboration between brilliant researchers like Paul and great clinical minds like Jo. This will ensure optimal outcomes for our patients, and drive future research in the best direction”
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